The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. 人民的意志是政府权力的基础;这一意志应以定期和真正的选举予以表现,而选举应依据普遍和平等的投票权,并以不记名投票或相当的自由投票程序进行。
In other words, each partner has an equal vote in the management of business. 换言之,各合伙人对企业管理均享有平等表决权。
But about this there can and should be no argument: every American citizen must have an equal right to vote. 但有一点是没有、也不应有争议的,那就是:每个美国公民必须平等享有选举权。
The board of supervisors comprises deputies from all member countries, one from each country's fiscal ministry with one equal vote or voting right. 监事会由各成员国的财政部派员组成。每个成员国均有一平等的投票权。
Thinking about Urban and Rural Residents Having Equal Legal Right to Vote 城乡居民享有平等选举权的法律思考
As of 1906, women in Finland had political rights equal to men, able to both vote and stand for election, Finland being only a short step in time behind New Zealand in that regard. 女性在1906年就拥有与男性同等的政治权力,有选举权和被选举权,时间上只比纽西兰稍晚。
Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote. 每个美国市民必须要有一个平等的投票权。
Women have the right, through various channels and in various ways, to administer state and social affairs, and enjoy equal rights to vote and stand for election. 妇女有权通过各种途径和形式,管理国家和社会事务,并享有平等的选举权和被选举权。
Migrate freedom, acceptance education, equal vote and association freedom are the base rights. 迁徙自由、接受教育、平等选举、结社自由就是这样的基本权利。
This article studies the rural tax law regulations from the view of Constitution, it holds the view that the equal vote right should be safeguarded if the burden of farmers is really reduced. 本文从宪政的角度考察农村税收法律制度,认为要真正地减轻农民负担必须保障农民平等的投票权,以税收法定主义构建城乡统一的税收法律制度;
Sex difference should not be taken into account in elections, men and women should enjoy equal right to vote. 选举不应该考虑性的差别,主张妇女与男性有平等的选举权;
The third part sets out from the social realistic condition of the our country, from analysis the phenomenon about the voting right inequality then investigate the existent source of these inequalities phenomenon, argument realistic necessity of equal right to vote. 第三部分从我国的社会现实状况出发,通过对选举权不平等现象的分析进而探究这些不平等现象存在的根源,论证了选举权平等的现实必要性。
Observing the constitutional history of the western, we found that in Western Europe it is the emergence of the awareness of civil rights including equal right, property rights, the right to vote, and so on that opened the transition from the medieval to modern. 考察各国的宪政史,我们发现西欧从中古迈向现代的过程中首当其冲的正是平等权、财产权、选举权等公民权利意识的兴起。
The right to vote is an important component of civil and political rights, and the equal right to vote is the institutional basis of the realization of other equal rights of citizens. 选举权是公民政治权利的重要组成部分,选举权的平等则是公民实现其他权利平等的制度基础。